Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Luck Number 72

I am so privileged to have such a gorgeous specimen of beauty as my wife. Ever since i have been with her I haven't been able to see anyone else as anything but boring compared to her. Most of my guy friends say things like this person is "hot" or someone is "pretty" and I haven't thought those things about anyone in like three years. I have truly been blessed with such a beautiful woman and everything else about her matches her beauty. I have had two friends now (or so I've heard from each about the other) that Ashley just has this aura about her that instantly makes you fall for her. Although this doesn't make me feel comfortable about them being around her sometimes, I do wholeheartedly agree with them and I take pride in that fact. She has such a cute and funny personality that any man(single I hope) who spends any amount of time around her or talk to her are very quickly if not immediately attracted to her, if not by her looks first, then soon by her personality. She is the perfect woman. This has been definitely a small issue for me at times because I have to try and ignore the amount of men who look at her but I trust her and I am also confident that she loves me so most of the time I am at ease. Okay. I just wanted to let everyone know how lucky I am. : )

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lyrical Horizon

I am a ghost; a phantom in a solid world.
Standing at the foothills of forever with no strength to carry on.
Every step I take shines light on my defected state but I won't ever fade away.
Eternity is black and white and I've been living in between.
Put your arms around me. Lift me up so I can see the Mountain of Souls. The River of Blood.
Bury me in the River that flows with blood forever.
Carry me up to the mountain where the sacrifice was made.

Into the darkened tomb I walked but onlyu found it empty.
My mind is tormented. My soul is shaken.
As a flame is tormented by the wind and rain.
As the earth is shaken by an earthquake.
My heart has accepted what my eyes could never have believed.
I watched Him die. I watched Him die.
In the silence, death is defeated.
In my spirit, the battle rages on.
And then I stepped into the light.
I heard His voice!
I saw His face!
And then he stood there before me.
The man burried but never dead.
My heart has accepted what my eyes could never have believed.
I saw Him rise! I saw Him rise!
He is alive!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I think that as Christians we are like plants. We are fragile and easily bent but we have the power to straighten up and be healed. We don't do this alone tho. We rely on the Holy Spirit to photosynthesize what God shines upon us and that is our sustenance. We also need to be planted into a soil (community) that is strong and fertile (such as the Church). And we cannot survive on these alone. We need to soak ourselves in living water often. Without this water, we cannot properly make our food and the photosynthesis cannot be completely processed. Only in these conditions can we grow the way we were meant to and be a rich supply for the Kingdom of God. I know I need some help growing. I think I could use some fertilizer.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Who am I?

Who am I Lord?
Am I a stone cast to the sea?
Am I a fallen tree in the wake of a storm?
No! You are a chosen precious jewel in the eyes of your Father.

Who am I Lord?
Am I a stray dog, bound to scavenge through life?
Am I a lost sheep constantly following the trail of my demise?
No! You are my child, and I will be with you always.

Who am I Lord?
Am I meant to feel this pain forever?
Am I torn at the seem that cannot be re sewn?
No! You are my clay and I will mold you and mend you for my Kingdom.

Who am I Lord?
Am I a slave to sin?
Am I a victim of a curse unbroken?
No! You are free! I have set you free to be with me forever.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

These true confessions do not b-log to you

1. I am amazing (and humbly so) at guitar hero. I would beat a good 95% of people who play the game. These are of course confident speculation and not tested data.

2. I am very OCD and very lazy at it. I cant stand when something is out of place but dont count on me to get up and do something about it!

3. I dont shower as often as i should. I dont know if this is more embarrassing for me or for my wife lol. Its really not that bad. like every other day or two...tehe

4. My wife plays video games with me quite frequently, she actually enjoys it, and is also quite good at it. Let me here you say that about your wife...HA!

5. I listen to really hardcore metal music.... ya i know. Its not devil music i swear. I actually listen to almost all Christian metal.

6. I have been told i can sing really well but im just to shy to do it often. I would actually really love to be a singer. I just have terrible stage fright...it sucks

7. My son is going to be just like me... i hope. I definitely wont force him but he seems to be taking an interest into buttons and things that pertain to video games more and more.... : )

8. I am a really smart guy but i dont apply it much. Ask my wife, Im stupid too. I dont understand how i can solve a complicated calculus problem but i cant seem to put two things together that would otherwise be common sense to the average person. Like why would i pick up a pop can to throw it away but leave the dirty napkin sitting next to it to stay on the floor. Maybe the napkin was my friend and the pop can just wasnt my type. Whatever.

9. I love animals. I always have. I want to be a zoo keeper or something of that sort once i get things straightened up a bit. I really want to work hands on with animals and i am a sucker for cute cuddly ones. Ive always watched whatever nature shows that were on and i now know a good deal of random facts about animals.

10. Me and my wife share the same sense of humor. We can have each other rolling at any moment. We both play off the other persons joke and those are some of the most wonderful bonding moments we share as a couple. I love her so much and she is the one person i can always count on to make me smile.

I tag Obama.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sawing Blogs

I dont really understand the point of blogging necessarily but i guess its just a way to right down your thoughts and let the entirety of the world see whatever you write. I'm not really sure what i will blog about but i figured id just give it a try. Im not really an expressive person so my writing probably wont be very interesting. Im not really worried about people judging my blogs cause im secure in who i am and someone not liking what i say doesnt have to read.

Well anyway, I am married and have one kid (Jonah age 1) and i love playing video games and being lame. I typically joke too much and often to the point where my wife tells me to shut up. Im ok with it tho cause that is who i am. I am smart but make stupid decisions such as dropping out of college and throwing away a $40,000 scholarship. Oops. Oh well. Im happy with where i am right now and i love my family. I know God has big plans for me in my life but im not sure where im going at the moment. Well i dont have a lot to say at the moment so im going to stop now.